Explore wide range of innovative and essential courses offered by ICSE, SSC & HSC boards.
Best curriculum in accordance with the recommendations of the New Education Policy.
Preparatory classes for NEET, JEE & MAINS. Also provides coaching for weak students.
3 pair color cloths
6 pair inner-wears
6 pair navy blue socks
3 pairs color socks
1 pair school shoes
1 pair sport shoes
1 pair floaters
1 toiletry pouch
2 night suits 2 bath towels
1. Two passport size photos (colour) of student (Aadhar card)
2. One passport photo of parents each one (mother/ father) (Aadhar card)
3. One Xerox of birth certificate
4. One Xerox of annual report card
5. Original school leaving certificate (countersigned)
[kindly go through the school annual fixture before planning the vacations or outings as the students will. Not be allowed to be taken away from the school besides the dates mentioned in the school calendar.